Free Study Material on Tughlaq Dynasty (AD 1320-1413)

The Tughlaq dynasty ruled over the Delhi Sultanate in India from 1320 to 1413 AD. It was founded by Ghazi Malik, who took the name Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq after becoming the Sultan. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq attempted to conquer the Deccan region in southern India but faced many challenges, including a rebellion by his own son. His successor, Muhammad bin Tughlaq, also tried to expand the empire but faced many setbacks, including a failed attempt to move the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in the Deccan.

Despite their military failures, the Tughlaq sultans were also known for their patronage of art, literature, and architecture. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was a great patron of learning and is said to have established several colleges and libraries throughout his kingdom.

The Tughlaq dynasty declined after the death of Firuz Shah Tughlaq in 1388, and the Delhi Sultanate was eventually overthrown by the Timurid invader, Timur, in 1398.

Giyasuddin Tuglaq

Giyasuddin Tuglaq


Feroz Shah Tuglaq

Feroz Shah Tuglaq Tomb

Downfall of Tuglaq Dynasty

The Tughlaq dynasty, which ruled over the Delhi Sultanate from 1320 to 1413, eventually faced its downfall due to a combination of factors. Here are some important points on the downfall of the Tughlaq dynasty:

Multiple Choice Question on Tuglaq Dynasty

  1. Who was the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty?
    a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    d) Alauddin Khilji Answer: a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
  2. Which city did Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq choose as his capital?
    a) Delhi
    b) Agra
    c) Lahore
    d) Jaunpur Answer: c) Lahore
  3. Who was the most famous ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty?
    a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    d) Alauddin Khilji Answer: b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
  4. Muhammad bin Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to which city?
    a) Jaunpur
    b) Daulatabad
    c) Lahore
    d) Agra Answer: b) Daulatabad
  5. What was the reason behind Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s decision to shift the capital?
    a) To strengthen his control over the Deccan
    b) To escape the Mongol invasions
    c) To establish trade routes with Europe
    d) To build a more magnificent city Answer: a) To strengthen his control over the Deccan
  6. Muhammad bin Tughlaq introduced which currency in his empire?
    a) Gold coins
    b) Silver coins
    c) Copper coins
    d) Brass coins Answer: c) Copper coins
  7. Which of the following policies was implemented by Muhammad bin Tughlaq?
    a) Forced conversions to Islam
    b) Religious tolerance
    c) Land reforms
    d) Caste-based reservations Answer: c) Land reforms
  8. Which expedition led by Muhammad bin Tughlaq resulted in a disastrous outcome?
    a) Conquest of Bengal
    b) Conquest of Tibet
    c) Conquest of Maldives
    d) Conquest of Persia Answer: c) Conquest of Maldives
  9. Muhammad bin Tughlaq attempted to introduce which administrative reform?
    a) Village councils
    b) District courts
    c) Postal system
    d) Provincial assemblies Answer: d) Provincial assemblies
  10. Who succeeded Muhammad bin Tughlaq as the ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty?
    a) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    b) Alauddin Khilji
    c) Iltutmish
    d) Sikandar Lodi Answer: a) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
  11. Feroz Shah Tughlaq is known for constructing which iconic structure in Delhi?
    a) Red Fort
    b) Jama Masjid
    c) Qutub Minar
    d) Purana Qila Answer: d) Purana Qila
  12. Feroz Shah Tughlaq established a new city named:
    a) Ferozabad
    b) Ferozepur
    c) Ferozeshahar
    d) Ferozeshah Kotla Answer: d) Ferozeshah Kotla
  1. Feroz Shah Tughlaq established a new city named:
    a) Ferozabad
    b) Ferozepur
    c) Ferozeshahar
    d) Ferozeshah Kotla Answer: d) Ferozeshah Kotla
  2. Feroz Shah Tughlaq introduced a new system of irrigation known as:
    a) Bandobast system
    b) Barani system
    c) Diwan-i-Khairat system
    d) Shamsi system Answer: a) Bandobast system
  3. Which of the following architectural marvels was constructed during Feroz Shah Tughlaq’s reign?
    a) Taj Mahal
    b) Fatehpur Sikri
    c) Hauz Khas Complex
    d) Hawa Mahal Answer: c) Hauz Khas Complex
  4. Feroz Shah Tughlaq revived which ancient city and made it his capital for some time?
    a) Ujjain
    b) Taxila
    c) Kannauj
    d) Prayagraj Answer: b) Taxila
  5. Who among the following rulers of the Tughlaq dynasty was known for his patronage of Sufism?
    a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    d) Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq Shah II Answer: c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
  6. Feroz Shah Tughlaq constructed several canals for irrigation purposes. Which canal was named after his sister?
    a) Yamuna Canal
    b) Ganga Canal
    c) Sutlej Canal
    d) Nahar-i-Firoz Answer: d) Nahar-i-Firoz
  7. Who among the following rulers of the Tughlaq dynasty issued the first known regular currency in the Indian subcontinent?
    a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    d) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Answer: b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
  8. Which Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty faced severe revolts and challenges from various regional governors and nobles?
    a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
    c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
    d) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Answer: b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
  9. Feroz Shah Tughlaq was succeeded by his grandson, who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty. What was his name?
    a) Mahmud Tughlaq
    b) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
    c) Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq Shah II
    d) Mohammad Tughlaq Answer: c) Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq Shah II
  10. The Tughlaq dynasty came to an end with the invasion of Delhi by which dynasty?
    a) Khilji dynasty
    b) Sayyid dynasty
    c) Lodi dynasty
    d) Mughal dynasty Answer: b) Sayyid dynasty
  1. The Sayyid dynasty, which ended the Tughlaq dynasty, was established by:
    a) Khizr Khan
    b) Bahlul Khan Lodi
    c) Ibrahim Lodi
    d) Sher Shah Suri Answer: a) Khizr Khan
  2. Which major event led to the decline of the Tughlaq dynasty?
    a) Mongol invasions
    b) Revolts by regional governors
    c) Economic instability
    d) Foreign invasions by Timur Answer: b) Revolts by regional governors
  3. Overall, the Tughlaq dynasty is remembered for:
    a) Its military conquests
    b) Economic prosperity
    c) Administrative experiments
    d) Promotion of arts and culture Answer: c) Administrative experiments
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